Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 017: Trauma & Horror Films

Horror film writer and cognitive behavior therapist, Mo Moshaty, joins us to talk about the intersection between trauma and horror films. We discuss her own experiences with trauma and how horror films can use and misuse traumatic experiences for chills and thrills.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 016: Addiction

Producer and mental health nurse, Jenny Ng-Turner, deep-dives into addiction and substance abuse. We’ll discuss warning signs, triggers, stigmas, the value of having the right support systems in place, and where you can go for help.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 015: Rural Medicine

Dr. Kathryn Wood joins us today to talk about rural medicine and the impact lack of medical access can have on both patients and physicians. She details what it’s like to work in the Peace River area in Northern Alberta, the impact on the mental health of doctors and patients, how she chose the path of rural medicine, and what she’d love medical shows to get right about remote medicine.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 014: Language

Our conversation with filmmaker Kahstoserakwathe Paulette Moore deep dives into the importance of language and community. We also discuss the impact representation (or the lack there of) can have on you and how losing and/or gaining a language that connects you to your community and who you are affects you.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 013: Death of a Parent

Filmmaker Marie-France Guerrette, created the feature doc, Sans Maman or Unmothered, to give viewers a window into her own personal experience of grief. Through the lens of the film and beyond, we discuss the death of a parent when you’re a child, and how this impacted Marie-France’s life and work as a filmmaker.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 012: As Good as It Gets and OCD

Let’s deep-dive into OCD - Obsession Compulsive Disorder - with guests Dallas Curow (photographer) and Farah Zerehi (Marriage and Family Therapist). We’ll discuss symptoms, treatment options, and the impact OCD can have on your everyday life.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 011: Aphantasia

Our two guests have Aphantasia, also known as mind’s eye blindness. They include Tom Ebeyer who is the founder of the Aphantasia Network, and Jana O’Connor, writer of the upcoming feature film, PICTURE IT, which highlights the experience of having Aphantasia!

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 009: Abortion Onscreen

This episode is part two of our conversation around abortion and discusses the research conducted for the Abortion Onscreen program which examines how abortion is portrayed in American popular culture.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 008: Abortion

Rachel Dyer, the Board of Director's Chair of Exhale Pro-Voice, discusses abortion stigma, and how abortion-positive spaces are important for people to have to discuss their emotions after an abortion.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 007: Hookups & Consent

Deep dive into hookups and consent with Dr. Aditi Paul as we dispel commonly held myths about hookup culture. We’ll also discuss how sex scripts used in media affect Gen Z’s sexual behaviors and influence how we think about consent.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 006: Twins & Triplets

Let's explore the world of twins and triplets! Graduate student, Sarah Carroll, shares details of her clinical work with twins at MSU, and Alice and Cindy deep-dive into what it's like being part of a set of triplets.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 003: Burnout

Hamza Khan, author of The Burnout Gamble, speaker, and co-founder of SkillsCamp, joins us to talk about burnout – what it is, what we can do about it, and how we can recover when it happens to us.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 002: Sleep

Time to talk about sleep! Clinical psychologist, Dr. Kristen Casey, explains why sleep is so important, its impact on our brains, and why, for some people, it’s so elusive.

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Episode 001: Identity

Hosts Heather and Sarah Taylor discuss identity – how they see themselves, how they think others see them, and all the facets that make them who they are!

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Heather Taylor Heather Taylor

Introducing Braaains!

Introducing Braaains, a podcast exploring the inner workings of our brains & how media portray them.

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